Wilfred Couric's Profile:
Wilfred Couric has 4 Published Articles. Profile has been viewed 590 times.
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Personal Website : http://efashionplus.com/BOUTIQUE.html
I am a Shopaholic. It’s my current fashion obsession. I don't know how long I've been one, but for as long as I could remember, I always walked out of the mall. I LOVE the mall. Its the most magical place in the world. My shopping obsession is getting out of hand. I mean, when I was in nordstrom, I was so excited to go up the escalator to reach the Juicy Couture section. And once I buy one item, I have to buy another and another,always handbags, wallets and clothes, never anything for the house or real necessities
Favorite Websites :
Blog : http://efashionplus.com/BOUTIQUE.html
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